Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Summer Is Hot

And I mean that in both ways: the season and Summer Glau.  I just finished my complete viewing of  both seasons of Dollhouse, as well as spending a good deal of time over the last month watching Firefly and Serenity over and over.  Oh and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.  I probably sound like a Joss Whedon fanboy now.  That is not entirely untrue, although I have no plans to watch either Buffy or Angel.  Anyways, I have a great deal I want to write down, but seeing as it's four in the morning, it looks like it's time for bed.  Despite my constant and never-abating laziness, I will write more later today (or early tomorrow morning, it's all the same to me).  A combination of vacation trips, computer and internet problems, as well as the aforementioned laziness has led to a rather long delay of my writing out my thoughts, so I should have plenty to post in the next day or so.